Today I know nothing with absolute certainty

The words that woke me this morning: “Today I know nothing with absolute certainty.” When I first heard this statement I thought what the heck?  But, I know and deeply trust the Divine Guidance I receive so I gave it a try. I said it to myself (silently) before I started my day. I continued to say it to myself (silently) as often as I remembered throughout the day and this little mantra has given me fresh perspective:

“Today I know nothing with absolute certainty” doesn’t mean I need to forget everything that I’ve ever learned or know.  It simply assisted me in keeping my mind open to guidance. It has helped me keep in mind that everything in life is continually changing including people. If we “think” we already know everything about life and everyone living it…nothing and no one in life has the opportunity to become better or improve.

We must stop allowing our thoughts to run unchecked in our mind therefore making us “think” we know it all.  This type of mind set limits everyone and/or everything and that’s simply not how life works.  Life is fluid.  Life is continually changing, expanding, and growing.

This little mantra: “Today I know nothing with absolute certainty.” may just help us break free from the limits we put on Life.

Try it.  Let me know how it goes.


One response to “Today I know nothing with absolute certainty”

  1. Love this!


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